
VoicePing Corporation Company Profile


Optimizing Team Productivity and Engagement in the Post-Corona Era

The environment surrounding us is changing day by day with the spread of the Metaverse, the end of the coronavirus era, the declining birthrate and aging population in Japan, and the acceleration of global competition. As a result, teams and organizations are increasingly adapting to multinational and remote environments that are different from traditional single-attribute teams. Our company's goal is to create inspiring experiences using AI-based digital technology to revitalize organizations.


An era in which people can immerse themselves in creating things by making the most of their own specialties

We believe that an environment that maximizes diverse individuality will create the next era. We will build an era in which people can devote themselves to creating excellent products and services regardless of race, gender, nationality, age, language, or location.


Execute PDCA in seconds

We always act in a split second. With so many uncertainties, we believe it is best to improve the quality of our measures while increasing the number of attempts.

Global Optimization

Always think strategically to increase total productivity, including all stakeholders. Failure to cooperate well with customers and team members will also result in poor individual performance.

Experience 1% growth every day.

We are constantly aware of growth. Growth drives growth and the power of compound interest will make you a top performer before you know it.

Business Overview

  • Development and sales of AI voice translation platform VoicePing


💻AI/Web Developer Full-Time Position😄AI/Web Developer Internship Job💹Business Development and Marketing Position (Full-Time, Contract, Internship)

Published AI Research Article or Paper

Apr 2024, Speaker Diarization Performance Evaluation: Pyannote.audio vs Nvidia Nemo, and Post-Processing Approach Using OpenAI’s GPT-4 TurboApr 2024, Speaker Diarization Performance Evaluation: Pyannote.audio vs Nvidia Nemo, and Post-Processing Approach Using OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo

📑 Nov 2023, Detecting Syllable-Level Pronunciation Stress with A Self-Attention Model

October 2023, How To Improve In-Context Learning Performance in Machine TranslationOctober 2023, How To Improve In-Context Learning Performance in Machine TranslationAugust 2023, Fine-Tuning ASR Models for Japanese and Vietnamese by using OpenAI Whisper and Azure Speech StudioAugust 2023, Fine-Tuning ASR Models for Japanese and Vietnamese by using OpenAI Whisper and Azure Speech StudioAugust 2023, Evaluate Machine Translation And Improve AccuracyAugust 2023, Evaluate Machine Translation And Improve Accuracy🔈August 2023, Training, Evaluation and Deployment of Popular Large Language Models in Automatic Speech Recognition

Representative Introduction

Akinori Nakajima After graduating from a graduate school of science, he immediately started his own business, but failed and joined a web conferencing vendor. He then worked as a sole proprietor and established our company in July 2019. So far, he has built LiteFreshVoice at A-Net, a stock prediction algorithm sales store QuantX at SmartTrade, a FinTech service at Japan Digital Design, a web negotiation system at Belle Face, a VR travel service TravelDX at Rosetta, and other and innovative services at Rosetta. Currently, he is developing and selling VoicePing, a dream virtual workspace that is not bound by place, time, or language. He also develops VR games from the blood of a former game cripple (Age of Empires II Conquerors, Tales Weaver).

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/akinori-nakajima-b72326a1/

Medium: https://medium.com/@atyenoria

Github: https://github.com/atyenoria

Note: https://note.com/anakajima

About Us

Trade name: VoicePing Corporation Representative Director: Akinori Nakajima Legal advisor: Kenta Hayashi (Takahashi Shuhei Law Office) Capital (including reserves): 209,900,096 yen Investing company : Rosetta Co. Location: Omodaka Bldg. 4F, 1-9-7 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0023, Japan Tax advisor : Livros Sogo Accounting Office Established: July 2019 Name of financial institution: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation