
AI/Web Developer Internship Job

Objective: To innovate and create new experiences through cutting-edge technology, providing excitement and enhancing productivity.

Company Overview: We are the developers and operators of VoicePing, an AI-powered voice translation platform aimed at facilitating global co-creation. Our culture is technology-oriented, with a team of hardworking, result-driven individuals who maintain flexibility in their methods. We value daily 1% growth as our core philosophy and operate as a startup.

Internship Overview: The rapid developments in large language models, such as ChatGPT, and societal shifts accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic, like the move towards a metaverse and increased globalization, have created new needs in terms of business collaboration. Our AI voice translation platform, VoicePing, is at the forefront of optimizing collaboration for modern workplaces. We are seeking exceptional development interns to join us in expanding our business. The role involves developing AI and machine learning features (primarily large language models for voice recognition, translation, and other natural language processing tasks) as plugins for VoicePing. Involvement in product marketing activities may also occur.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Research, development, and implementation work related to voice recognition, translation models, summarization models, and large language models.
  • Utilizing TypeScript, Node, Python, AWS, Azure, GCP, etc., for streamlined, reusable API design and UI/backend development.
  • Participating in discussions on strategy, product UX, and market viability as part of the new business launch team.

Development Environment: We utilize the most advanced, productive languages and environments, always open to integrating new technologies to improve our processes. Communication within the company, including regular meetings, is primarily in English. We welcome not only those who are already proficient in English but also those who are willing to improve their language skills.

Benefits of the Internship:

  • Direct collaboration with the founder and lead engineer, Nakajima. Github Profile
  • Opportunity to work in a global product team, with our business being selected by global accelerators such as AlchemistX, 500 Global, Moon Creative Lab, and 4YFN.
  • Experience the challenge of launching a new business in a growing market, with a chance for full-time employment post-internship based on performance and project contribution.


  • A keen interest in cutting-edge technology.
  • Enjoyment in collaborative work within a global team setting.
  • The vitality to tackle difficult and unknown challenges.

Working Hours & Location:

  • A commitment of at least 20 hours per week (primarily on weekdays, with some flexibility for weekends), for a continuous period of at least 3 months.
  • Located in Shibuya District.

Employment Type: Internship

Salary: ¥1,150 per hour or above


  • Potential for employee conversion, with promotion and salary increase opportunities.
  • Urgent hiring, with the option for remote work.

How to Apply:

  • Please apply via email to nakajima@voice-ping.com
  • Note: Interviews will be conducted via web conference. Please prepare your reasons for applying and any questions in advance.